Serena Williams Comeback Propelled By Mid-Match Espresso


This story is over 5 years old.


Serena Williams Comeback Propelled By Mid-Match Espresso

Serena Williams overcomes first-set donut with a double shot of espresso between sets.

Serena Williams dropped the first set of her Hopman Cup match against Italy's Flavia Pennetta 6-0 and apparently needed a little pick-me-up between sets. While sitting down during the changeover, Serena asked the chair umpire about the legality of getting some espresso to help wake her up. I can't recall this ever happening in a match before, but her opponent didn't seem to mind—boy, was that a mistake—so the Hopman folks snapped into action and got her some caffeine. She then weirdly shielded the cup while drinking it, and proceeded to win the final two sets and the match.