This story is over 5 years old.


All Hail The Mighty Pam

PAM is the unison between Australian graffiti talents PERKS and MINI, spawning an offspring clothing and design company that's so good you had better wear your brown pants. Like a naked babe at a cricket match, PAM has already streaked its way across...

PAM is the unison between Australian graffiti talents PERKS and MINI, spawning an offspring clothing and design company that’s so good you had better wear your brown pants. Like a naked babe at a cricket match, PAM has already streaked its way across hometown Melbourne, Australia and left Sydney, Tokyo, London and Paris chanting for more. Only recently has New York been humbled by its presence; and sooner rather than later, more cities are certain to succumb to their charms.


Above and beyond the call of fashion the two twentysomething teenagers make ‘zines, have just published a book with Colette called No Still Idea and have a couple of new ones on the way. MINI recently finished a film called Neck. PERKS is constantly having art shows, is making his second record, doing some RookieNYC and Silas graphics, “Yeti” travel cushions, and has started a t-shirt/art/short film project with mastermind Chris Johanson called Gemini. And the list goes on …

I got the opportunity to discuss a few socioecopoliphilosophical points with PAM on their return from PERKS’ solo show at Colette in Paris.

VICE: Is anything sacred?


: Nothing is sacred, and shouldn’t be treated as such. We believe that as soon as it’s put out there, it opens itself to interpretation, criticism, cynicism, appropriation, ridicule, praise, whatever. Once it’s out there it becomes public property and if it falls into the wrong hands too bad.

And you’re taking over the world with this Australian philosophy?

As far as taking over the world, we also don’t care. We’ll take over the dance floor. As far as being Australian, we also don’t care. The world is everyone’s to take, but apparently the world is going to the dogs anyway so we have set our sights elsewhere - we be on some transgalactic-type shit.

After you’ve taught the universe the meaning of good fashion what’s next?

Projects are fun and keep us off the streets. Although we make clothes, fashion is not very important to us, ideas are. Good fashion is like a good wine. Drink it and piss it out.