Libra collage
Amanda Lanzone

Monthly Horoscope: Libra, September 2019

Welcome to Virgo season, dear Libra!

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The sun is in Virgo, the sign associated with the Hermit card in the tarot, and you’re craving some time alone for deep meditation and rest, despite how social you usually are. Your psychic insights during Virgo season are profound and Mercury in Virgo brings some illuminating messages on September 1 as the communication planet makes a harmonious connection with electric Uranus in Taurus. A big emotional breakthrough is taking place and finding you exhausted, so carve out extra time for sleep and recuperation through these transformations.


Your ruling planet Venus is also currently in Virgo, finding you especially appreciative of your space and privacy; on September 1, Venus will also connect with Saturn in Capricorn, encouraging you to set boundaries. Saturn is all about commitment, so you’re thinking deeply about your needs and plans early this month.

September 2 brings a flurry of psychic activity as the sun meets Mars in Virgo. You’re known for being sweet and charming, Libra, but that also means that you sometimes repress your anger. Let that rage out on this day in a healthy way: talk to a counselor or do some journaling. Anger is a valid emotion and warrior planet Mars wants you to recognize that early this month! Your ruling planet Venus also clashes with lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 2, bringing plenty of conversation your way, and also inspiring you to have some fun!

Mercury meets Mars and the sun on September 3, so expect your dreams to be extremely busy. So much subconscious work is going on in your mind, dear Libra, and it’s an interesting change of pace for your usually very intellectual, cerebral state of being. You’re exploring hidden places and sharing secrets, and the unknown is calling your name. But don’t get swept up by paranoia when Venus opposes hazy Neptune in Pisces on September 4. While you may find yourself totally confused about life, feeling overwhelmed by your duties, sick of your daily routine, or overwhelmingly lost around choices you have to make, this day could also be plenty of fun as you play hooky from your responsibilities, make amazing art, and get lost in romance.


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Astrologers like to make jokes about how indecisive you are, Libra, but sometimes that can really be a blessing, because right now, you probably shouldn’t make any big decisions. Whatever you choose will drop you into a rabbit hole that your cute Libra butt (Libras have amazing butts, it's canon) does not need to tumble down. Make a choice later, when things make more sense! Things will be more grounded—but not any less emotional—as Mercury connects with Saturn on September 5; however, you won’t exactly be in the clear when it comes to confusing information.

It's a tricky month. You're feeling like the best parts of yourself aren't getting the chance to shine, or like you're lost in the crowd…but you're also craving time alone, anyway. By retreating, you might find yourself forging unlikely, yet deep, bonds with other people who are feeling similarly about life. Just don't let it be a "misery loves company" scenario.

On September 6, Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the sun connects with Saturn, and Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn. A flood of intuitive insight arrives on this day, and you're making sense of your needs and limits. While your home life might be feeling intense, change is also taking place. But, again, the confusion hasn't receded yet: Mercury opposes Neptune on September 7, challenging you to stay grounded. Avoid gossip on this day, be careful of miscommunications and frustrations in your commute, and watch out for shady people and liars. Making plans is difficult and your energy is zapped. Lean into lazy: take time off if you can and spend some time in meditation.


On September 8, the sun clashes with Jupiter—another fantastic planetary event for your intuitive development and for dreamwork—while Mercury connects with Pluto, helping you transform a big idea into an action plan. This is also a profound moment for you in any therapy or psychic work you're focusing on. Mars connects with Saturn on September 9, encouraging resilience and reinforcing much of the emotional work you have been doing on saying no and setting better limits and boundaries; however, September 10 throws challenges your way as the sun opposes Neptune, asking you to be mindful about your insecurities. This is certainly a period when you should ask for help if you need it, but be mindful this month about people who butter you up or are too complimentary. Not everyone is as they seem. This September, you're challenged not to get too paranoid about people's intentions, but not to be overly trusting either. It's a hard balance, but that's what you're all about as the sign of the scales!

Your day job is also taxing on you at this time, so take a break if you're able to. You might feel compelled to put more on your plate and show off how far you can push yourself as Mars clashes with Jupiter on September 12, but burnout is real and you might be on the verge of it. You’re feeling a boost in energy at this time, but be smart about how you spend it. Also, watch out for arguments! Now isn't the time to send a critiquing text to someone—it could turn into an argument faster than you realize.


Mercury meets Venus and the sun connects with Pluto on September 13, bringing about a powerful emotional and creative metamorphosis. A secret affair may also have a juicy twist at this time! An important moment of change arrives on September 14 thanks to the full moon in Pisces, which finds you letting go of any old habits or daily tasks at work that need to exit your life so that you can be more productive. The full moon in Pisces wants you to have more flexibility in your schedule and to engage in more creative endeavors.

But, be warned: This is a sneaky full moon, with Mars opposing Neptune. People are especially full of crap at this time, so don't waste your time, money, or energy on them. For example, if someone unreliable offers to cover your shift at work (because you do very much need time off this month!), don't be surprised if they bail at the last moment.

By September 14, when communication planet Mercury and your ruling planet Venus enter your sign, you’ll feel like your sexy, charming self again. A boost in mental acuity arrives this day and you're comfortably expressing yourself, feeling much less withdrawn than you had been earlier this month. Finally, some of this month’s confusion is starting to dissipate!


Taskmaster Saturn ends its retrograde on September 18, finding you reflecting on your situation at home and with your family. Security and privacy are on your mind, and you're rebuilding the foundation of your life in a major way this year. It's a slow process, but you're getting there, and on September 19, as Mars connects with Pluto, you're working out a great strategy to get what you need. This is also a powerful time to clear out fears that have been weighing your mind down and to energetically cleanse your home.

It’s great to have a plan, but as you know from past experience, and especially during this confusing month, things don’t always work out the way you expect. Jupiter clashes with Neptune for the third time this year on September 21 (the first two times being on January 13 and June 16), so think back to what was taking place for you at those times. Communication issues, misunderstandings, lies, gossip, broken promises, and the ways in which you’ve simply been too idealistic are in focus during this time. Your neighborhood and commute are undergoing transformations, and those changes might be very inconvenient or even heartbreaking. You might find yourself very disappointed with the outcome of something, but at least you're one step closer to the truth. I'll say it plainly, since you can't always expect others to be so clear: Stop making plans with people who can't keep them.


Mercury clashes with Saturn on September 22, finding you facing some obstacles around communication. A grumpy mood is in the air, and this may be a difficult time to connect with family members. At the same time, now is a fantastic moment to use that energy to say no to something, which can usually be hard for you to do.

Libra season begins on September 23: Happy solar return! The sun in your sign brings you a renewed sense of vitality. You’re coming out of your shell, spending less time alone or resting, and are now eager to greet the world. It’s a fun day to party on September 24 when chatty Mercury connects with jovial Jupiter and exciting news and helpful friends come your way! Venus clashes with Saturn on September 25, which finds you feeling not so cute and realizing that what's important to you isn't so to other people. Don't ask for a favor or plan a date on this day.

Mercury clashes with Pluto on September 26, making way for difficult conversations that help you get to the bottom of a situation. You’re turning a difficult corner and emerging with a greater understanding of the situation, but you might have to see or hear something not so pretty to gain that insight! Your privacy is important to you at this time, so take a moment to reflect on who you don't trust and why—spending some time with these thoughts by writing in your journal or talking it out with a trusted friend may be very revealing.

The new moon in your sign, Libra, lands on September 28! This is a wonderful fresh start, and you're feeling like your usual self: charming, hilarious, and sexy as Venus connects with lucky Jupiter. It's a wonderful time for a makeover, and lovely news is coming your way. We all need a fresh start sometimes, and after September's confusing twists and turns, you'll be ready for a clean slate and some cuties to flirt with. Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in October!

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