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Australia Today

A Sydney Woman is Suing oBike For Damaging Her Tesla

A windy day... a rogue oBike... $6000 worth of luxury vehicle damage.
Not the Tesla in question. Via Shutterstock

There is but one thing that can unite this divided country, and it is the hatred of utopian bikeshare service oBike. The Singaporean start up has been met with little but vitriol since its bright yellow bicycles popped up around the country last year. And now a Sydney-based woman is suing its founders for causing $6000 worth of damage to her beloved Tesla.

The SMH reports that an unsecured oBike rolled down a hill on Margaret Street in Sydney on a particularly windy day late last month and hit a series of luxury vehicles—first a BMW, then a Tesla. No word on what happened with the Beamer, but the Tesla’s owner Pia Peterson is less than happy.


“It was a rogue oBike,” she told the newspaper. “It did extensive damage to our Tesla and scared our driver who thought he had hit someone, but thankfully the oBike did not have a passenger on it.”

Peterson is the founder of zero-emissions chauffeur company Evoke, which operates a fleet of electric vehicles. oBikes also have zero emissions, if you think about it. Are these two start ups technically competitors?

Either way, Peterson is insisting that oBike cough up the money to pay her $2000 insurance excess due to “negligence”.

She has been unable to contact oBike’s insurance company as of yet, and indicated to the SMH that she thinks they’re operating within Australia illegally.

"It's ridiculous to me that a foreign company can come into the country and not abide by the standard laws," she said. "They don't have an Australian headquarters which means there is no way for the police to force them to abide by the road laws." Follow Kat on Twitter