This story is over 5 years old.


Cinema, Approved

The greatest cinematic thumbs up of all time.

A few days back some friends and I watched the abridged version of Gladiator. As we fast-forwarded to the Battle of Carthage scene, I lamented how more movies should be released as abridged, not extended, versions. Really, who needs to watch the incestuous subplot of Commodus trying to nail his sister more than once?

Anyway, after some satisfactory asskicking we beheld Commodus flaunt one of cinema’s most epic thumbs up, allowing his enemy, Maximus, to live at the behest of the mob. This got me thinking: What are the best cinematic thumbs up?

It’s a maneuver closely associated with movies, thanks to Siskel and Ebert. And yet, to my surprise, I’ve been unable to locate any sort of Top Thumbs Up lists on the internet. So, without further ado, I present to you the greatest lo-fi thumbs up videos that I could find.

Read the rest over at Motherboard.