Peaches Wants to Know Why the Fuck Canadian PM Stephen Harper Isn't Talking Seriously About Refugees


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Peaches Wants to Know Why the Fuck Canadian PM Stephen Harper Isn't Talking Seriously About Refugees

"Fuck nationality. It has nothing to do with protection of your own country," the singer told Daily VICE.

Video courtesy Daily VICE

Peaches, the unapologetically crass, gender-bending electro-rock queen from Toronto, is best known for spouting lyrics about dicks in the air and impeached bushes. But, despite having not lived in Canada for 15 years (she moved to Berlin in the early 2000s), she was all politics in a recent interview with Daily VICE while in Toronto promoting her new album, Rub.

"Why the fuck aren't people talking about Harper and his inane system of letting refugees into the country?" she asked, pointing out that in a globalized world, we should be more willing to help out when faced with situations like the Syrian migrant crisis.

"Fuck nationality," she told Daily VICE. "It has nothing to do with protection of your own country. This is a dire situation."

Draped in an oversized shaggy white jacket, her fingers littered with gold rings that said things like "hangry" and "hotdog," the artist expressed an intense disdain for the Conservative government.

"Why the fuck are people talking about Harper at all?" she said. "Why don't they like, crush him?" But she admitted even Harper's defeat wouldn't change her opinion that "political systems are all patriarchal fucked systems anyway."

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