This story is over 5 years old.



I went to see the first midnight screening of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Wednesday night and it was so totally fun. The theater was full of enthusiastic nerds who were cheering even before the movie started. There was one asshole strumming a ukulele while we waited for the movie to start, but for the most part you could feel all the excitement in the air!

Now I’ve been reading all these reviews of the movie written by cranky old film critics nitpicking and griping about how everyone is old and it’s all by-the-numbers and blah blah blah, but they need to just chill the FUCK out, because it’s all about nostalgia and escapism. If you loved Indiana Jones as a kid then this is a total nostalgia-fest, with lots of cute little references to the old movies (no major spoilers here, but dude, the movie opens with a tank chase through the warehouse from the end of Raiders!) and then freakin’ Karen Allen is in it!—who I thought was the most beautiful woman ever when I was ten, and who still looks pretty good for an old broad. And it’s fine with me if it’s by-the-numbers when the numbers include cryptic riddles written in ancient pictograms on the walls of an insane asylum, Aztec tombs with secret chambers filled with mummies and treasure, and a mythical "city of gold" buried in the jungles of Peru that may or may not exist and may or may not be "of this world."

I don’t wanna give away too much else, but I will admit that, yeah, the whole deal behind the crystal skull is ridiculous, but I say, bring on the ridiculousness! Sorry if a fantasy-adventure movie about a magical crystal skull isn’t realistic enough for you. All I give a shit about is that me and my friend left the theater feeling amped up and content, like we’d just gotten a hug from an old favorite teddy bear, or something not as corny as that. Also we had taken a bunch of Klonopin.

PS: Stay tuned for next week, when I go to the midnight screening of Sex and the City!