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Creators Remix Roundup: Robyn, Diplo, And Florence + the Machine

Featuring a Robyn and Whitney Houston mashup, Diplo and Usher’s sexy new release, and The Weeknd’s take on Florence + the Machine. Plus a mixtape from Nick Catchdubs, behind the scenes with Black Dice, and Pantha du Prince.

Our Creators are a talented and prolific bunch, and our inbox is always overflowing with alerts of new remixes and mashups from the incredible DJs and producers in our line-up. We just couldn't keep these fresh new tunes to ourselves because, after all, filesharing is caring. Here are our top picks from the past week.

Robyn vs. Whitney Houston: “Dancing in Houston” (Zooash mashup)

The music community’s lost two strong, powerful females in the past few months. First Etta James passed late last month, and now Whitney Houston this past weekend. Thankfully, there’s still women like Robyn holding down the fort and German nu disco musician Zooash takes the vocals for Houston’s 1985 track “How Will I Know” and layers it over the background music for Robyn’s “Dancing On My Own.” While the original instrumentation sounds dated, Houston’s timeless lyricism carries it through. Mashup junkies The Hood Internet also released a tribute to Houston with a Chromeo mashup called “When The Night Knows” earlier this week. Houston’s funeral will be Livestreamed tomorrow with performances by Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder. Whitney, we’ll always love you.


Usher and Diplo: “Climax”

Released just in time for Valentine’s Day earlier this week, the aptly named “Climax” from Usher and Diplo is exceedingly smooth and listenable. Diplo’s effects are refreshingly subtle, and a fresh complement to the otherwise traditional R&B track (not that that’s a bad thing). Just because Valentine’s is over doesn’t mean you can’t woo your sweetie with this jam any night of the year. It’s perfect for a romantic slow dance post-candlelit dinner, but stuff like that only happens in the movies, right?! I’m sure somebody’s already on that.

Florence + the Machine feat. iNCandescent Dance Company: “Shake it Out” (The Weeknd remix)

This remix from Abel Tesfaye, otherwise known as The Weeknd, surfaced back in September, right before Florence + the Machine released Ceremonials. The iNCandescent Dance Company just released a promo set to the remix that’s been given the post-dubstep treatment and stripped of the original’s whimsical orchestration. I like the Weeknd’s steady and slightly melancholy air that’s not sad or depressing, but just feels really real. It works.


A new mixtape from Jackie Chain and Fool’s Gold records co-founder Nick Catchdubs. goes behind the scenes with Black Dice.

I’ve already listened to this old, but spectacular, song from Pantha du Prince and Panda Bear three times today… get on it.