This story is over 5 years old.


Leg-Room House Producer Turns In-Flight Safety Announcement into Aviation-Themed Banger

Next stop: Paradiso Festival.

YouTuber YouBee is more bored on planes than you are. Much, much more bored. Rather than do the regular, human approach to tackling in-flight safety announcements– ignoring them and instead texting everyone you know so that you have lots of notifications when you land – YouBee sampled the whole thing and loaded it into Fruity Loops. The result? A surprisingly palatable Melbourne bounce-style banger that actually sounds like it belongs on The Chainsmokers SoundCloud.

Lets all take a moment sit upright, stow our tray tables, and appreciate one of planet Earth's most remarkable human beings. Don't let him put your oxygen mask on for you, though.

Ziad Ramley is on Twitter