This story is over 5 years old.


Please Watch This Tremendously Weird Clip of Colin Cowherd Interviewing Jason Whitlock

Colin Cowherd makes some weird-ass faces while interviewing people.

Jason Whitlock just wrapped up his hotly-promoted interview with Colin Cowherd and it was not all that interesting. In fact, it was pretty much quintessential Whitlock: nonsense with at least a dozen references to The Wire sprinkled in between.

What we are highlighting, here, is Colin Cowherd's interviewing technique, which looks like it is to ask a question and then lean in as far as he can while mouthing imaginary words. He basically looks like that awkward kid from a teen comedy who's trying to work up the courage to go in for the kiss. It's mesmerizing and the weirdest thing you'll see all day.

I picked a random clip and removed the audio so you could really focus on the full spectrum of bizarre faces Cowherd makes over the 45 seconds.
