This story is over 5 years old.


'The Fear of the Unknown' is No Barrier for Raahiem's Debut EP

The Brampton crooner shares and bares his soul on his newest release.

Fear of the Unknown will likely be your go-to project to soundtrack those somber summer nights. Liberated by Brampton native, Raahiem, Fear of the Unknown is the artist's debut project that features three songs that have already been released—'Dive', 'Fear' and 'Love & War'—in addition to four new records for your R&B pleasure. Raahiem croons over love, ambition and like many other upcoming artists shares his aspirations for the greater things in life.


Blanketing his voice over production that ties the familiar sounds of traditional R&B with some of contemporary notes, Raahiem separates himself from the pack of on-trend,auto-tuned filled, wailing sonic aesthetics that have popularized modern R&B. Listen to Fear of the Unknown and read out interview with Raahiem as he shares how he's been his most authentic self in creating this project.

NOISEY: How do you position your sound as distinct amongst a sea of artists?
Raahiem: Be yourself, people can always emulate and re-imagine what's been created, but I try my hardest, to be honest in what I play. Not withholding who I am as much as possible.

You explore love and aspirations for recognition within music in your music. What other inspirations were behind this project?
Fear. It's such a dictator the way it sways the choices we make in life. The lack of knowledge we have about tomorrow and the people around us creates such uncertainty that everybody experiences at some point. Some are just unaffected by it, while others choose to ignore it. In my 20's especially I've become quite familiar with that uncertainty and for most of the creation process, I ignored it. Focusing on the temporary to subside whatever I was feeling, & that can only carry you so far. Projecting your problems outward to the world when really you've been talking with yourself.

What would you like listeners to take away from this project?
Everyone tries to be something they are not. It's alright to say that you're having a hard time or that things are no longer in your control. It's all just temporary growing pains.

Sharine Taylor is a writer based in Toronto. Follow her on Twitter, fom.