This story is over 5 years old.


University Students Around New Zealand Sound Off On School and Style

In our i-D look at the country's student style, we learned about the perils of looking cute when it’s freezing cold, the enduring fashion influence of Peter Jackson and tried to answer, what is a Town Lad?
Imogen Wilson

First, Imogen Wilson showed us around Auckland, a city with a surprising and impressive commitment to luxury.

Millie, 18, studying Bachelor of Arts

Do you feel people in your city have a certain fashion aesthetic?
Yap, expensive.

How is it unique to the rest of the country?
When I think about the rest of the country, I think about farmers, girls in Wellington who love tartan and Doc Martens, and Dunedin I think just wears a lot of Nom*D. So that gives you something to compare it to.

Describe your city's style in one sentence?
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

See the rest of this article on i-D.