This story is over 5 years old.


Victoria Azarenka Snipes at Umpire, Says She "Probably Wasn't Very Good" at Tennis

Victoria Azarenka told a chair umpire she probably wasn't very good at tennis during an argument.

Here's a weird scene from the U.S. Open today. Victoria Azarenka defeated Lucie Hradecka in their first round match, but there was a minor kerfuffle thanks to a blown call from the line judge behind Azarenka. Serving in the second set, Hradecka hit Azarenka's return deep into the baseline and the line judge called it out just as Azarenka was swinging. The shot bounced weakly into the net. The chair umpire, however, overruled the call and awarded Hradecka the point.

Azarenka challenged the call and it was confirmed as in and the point stayed with Hradecka. That's when Azarenka lost her cool and confronted the umpire. She felt it should be a do over because the line judge interfered with her shot. She contended he screamed out at the exact moment she was swinging to return it—"he screamed at the exact same moment. He scared me, he, like, scared me"—forcing her into a bad shot. The umpire stood her ground and said Azarenka swung before he screamed, to which she replied: "You're kidding me? Have you ever played tennis? You did? You probably weren't very good."

The umpire let it go and Azarenka wound up winning 6-1, 6-2, so it's not like it mattered very much, anyway.

h/t Business Insider