This story is over 5 years old.


Alex Ovechkin Scores Ridiculous Goal While Falling Down

Alex Ovechkin scored a miracle goal while falling down and completely silenced the raucous crowd inside Madison Square Garden.

Alex Ovechkin took the life out of Madison Square Garden with an absurd individual effort on a goal that not many others could even attempt, let alone roof into the top corner of the goal. He took the puck at the blue line and skated through two Rangers, who actually played him as well as can be expected, and as he went through them, he started to fall head first toward the goal but still managed to get a wicked wrist shot past Henrik Lundqvist.

The Rangers opened up a 3-1 lead earlier in the period on a Derek Brassard wrist shot off a Martin St. Louis pass that trickled between two Capitals, and Ovechkin got it back and then some with this shot, but the Rangers hung on to win 3-2.