This story is over 5 years old.


Here’s What the President of Iceland Told Us About the ‘Pineapple Pizza Ban’

Intrigued by a recent tirade against Hawaiian pizza, MUNCHIES reached out to President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson of Iceland to find out what he really meant.

(Top photo: Ruth Hartnup, via)

Pineapple pizza is a strange and polarising food, to say the least.

Some hate it, while others are completely obsessed with it. Some use it as a weapon of political dissent, and its fruity topping may even have been the motive behind one of the most famous unsolved mysteries in American history.

And now, pineapple pizza is back in the news in characteristically bizarre fashion. According to local news site Visir, President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson of Iceland said that if he had the power to do so, he would ban the dish across the Scandinavian island nation of 323,000.

Intrigued, MUNCHIES Denmark editor Lars Hinnerskov Eriksen reached out to Jóhannesson to find out why the hell he went on a pineapple tirade in front of a bunch of high school students, and received a prompt response.

Read the rest over on Munchies.