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Help Beasts Of The Southern Wild Win A Gotham Audience Award

Vote for Behn Zeitlin + Court 13’s film, and watch our behind-the-scenes videos on Beasts Of The Southern Wild.

What do you get when you combine a spirited little girl, a flooded, ramshackle bayou, an empowering story, and an all-star film team? A critically-acclaimed film whose success continues to rise. Beasts of the Southern Wild is the product of the efforts of director and Creator Behn Zeitlin and his crew, Court 13. The team set up production in an abandoned convenience store in Montegut, Louisiana with the intention to create a film that celebrates an undying sense of home regardless of how bleek the future may seem.


As a result of the praise the breakout film has received, Benh Zeitlin and Quvenzhané Wallis (aka Hushpuppy) have received Gotham Award nominations for Breakthrough Director and Breakthrough Actor, respectively, by the Gotham and IFP committees for their work on Beasts of the Southern Wild. The film also received a nomination for a Gotham Audience Award, so go cast your vote to show your support for the film.

The first round of voting closes Wednesday, October 31st. Then, on November 5th, Gotham and IFP will announce the top five finalists and polls will reopen to determine the film the audience dubs the best of all.

Cast your vote for Beasts of the Southern Wild.
