This story is over 5 years old.


Pristine Trainers Won't Fare Well in Your Disgusting Handbag

Also JW Anderson for Versus is here, and it's great.

A weekly roundup of anything fashion-related that's made us excited about having bodies that we can dress with clothes.


I know having white trainers is stupid because you'll never wear them. Either it's raining and you're scared they'll get stained, or it's sunny and you're scared they'll get grass stains when you're frolicking. Or whatever, there are loads of reasons why buying beautiful pristine white trainers is a stupid idea, but why would you listen to any of those reasons when the trainers in question are as stupid-hot as these. As part of a collaboration with APC, Nike have designed four exclusive shoes including two pairs of Air Max, which, retailing at £120 each, have just rocketed to the top of my wish list.



Photo by Anna Curteis

No I don't mean it's ugly, although it probably is that as well. Actually I mean it's literally crawling with bacteria. Ew. Not so great for possibly every woman reading this, your hand bag is apparently dirtier than a toilet seat. Thinking about it, judging by the amount of last minute trips to a basement pub’s weirdly flooded toilets to brush up on your lippy, it makes quite a lot of sense. And also with the never clearing it out and finding receipts from “Abacus Bar” for £15 three weeks ago (?). The study carried out by Initial Washrooms Hygiene confirms that your bag, as well as a lot of things, like workplace countertops and draining boards, is very dirty. The researchers suggest women should wash their hands regularly and try to hang their bag up in bathrooms rather than sling them on the floor. Although personally, I wouldn’t bother, clean freaks are 100 percent annoying.


Image via Versace Finally Donatella let the first collection of Versus designed by JW Anderson loose on the world, in a runway show in New York this week. The clothes, were both an homage to sexy slick Versace, and woven through with that unmistakable Britishness Anderson's clothes have always embodied. Boys in tiaras recalled a Meadham Kirchhoff-esque playfulness, while full on PVC skirt suits, and branded Versace stickers reminded everyone that glamour was still the by-word of the house. Gold safety pins holding the side slit of black mini skirt together, or the sleeves of a dress on, were such an obvious and totally stealable addition that you wonder whether Anderson is secretly hoping for a whole load of DIY versions to appear on the street. There's no better compliment for young designers at big fashion houses than having their ideas ripped off by the best dressed, least wealthy people on the street. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.



Photo via In a bid to enhance their already super-enhanced shopping experience, Selfridges are launching a new “drive-thru” concept in their store in January, where customers can select products online and then pick them up in a Burger King lobby-esque (well probably not quite) reception area. While high-end retailers like Net-a-Porter and Browns mastered the luxury shopping experience online yonks ago, Selfridges are still better known for their in store events and fancy shop windows. The decision to change up the experience is apparently in response to many large retailers such as Amazon and Wal-Mart creating “Locker” concepts where you can store and pick up the stuff you ordered online. As exciting as the thought of shiny glamorous people driving their white convertibles through Selfridges to pick up their advance order Prada is, it will probably end up being more like Argos.

Follow Bertie on Twitter: @bertiebrandes

Previously – This Week It's Fashionable to Be a Bad Bitch