Striking Photos of Snowbound Boston


This story is over 5 years old.


Striking Photos of Snowbound Boston

Photographer Irina Rozovsky spent the weekend walking her dog and taking pictures of what she saw.

For the past few weeks New England has been hit with a deluge of snow—about 100 inches, if you're counting—and it looks like the region will remain a giant icebox until March. The series of storms and the resulting accumulation of snow has led to collapsed buildings and deaths, and though for most people the weather hasn't led to catastrophe it's altered their day-to-day routines in serious ways.

We asked photographer Irina Rozovsky to take pictures of how her town of Boston is dealing with the weather, so she spent the weekend walking her dog Gosha around and taking pictures on her iPhone. This is what she came back with:


Irina Rozovsky is a photographer who teaches at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. See more of her work on her website.