This story is over 5 years old.


Win Free Tickets to Saturday's Grove Festival in Toronto

If you're like us, this Saturday's Grove Festival at Fort York in Toronto is already making you crave the weekend for about 50 different reasons. Lucky for you, we have some tickets to give away.

If you're like us, this Saturday's Grove Festival at Fort York in Toronto is already making you crave the weekend for about 50 different reasons. One of which is, of course, Phoenix's triumphant return to Toronto. To get you even more hyped to see them play the city for the first time in four years, check out this video (on our friends over at Budweiser's Facebook page, or on the top of this post, whichever) where they discuss the inspiration behind their hit "If I Ever Feel Better," the combined sadness and happiness of the track, and all the fan mail they've received from mental institutions. BUT WAIT, we didn't put this blog post together just so you could watch a couple of charming French gentlemen discuss their creative inspiration in such a pleasant manner.  We also have some tickets to give away for the Grove Festival. So instead of leaving these freebies draped around our office as decorations, we want to give them all to you. All you need to do is write us at with a one liner description of why you want to go to this festival so badly and you might just win a pair. Good luck, see you out there.