This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog

Welcome To VICE.COM

AKA all of our shit in the one place. Finally.

If you’ve ever wondered why and were kept separate all these years, wonder no more. That mystery no longer exists so you can put it out of your brain. Seriously: quit asking. The fact you’re even reading these words means you’ve arrived at our pristine new website VICE.COM which ready for you to defile with snarky and obscene comments, or simply enjoy quietly in the manner it was created. You can read the full story of how we had to buy that web address from a couple of porn mongers in Brisbane here. If you can’t be bothered, all you need to know is this: VICE.COM is the new home of every article, blog, photo shoot and video VICE has ever imparted to the physical world. It’s also the place you’ll find late breaking music, sports, fashion, arts and culture news from all over the world. We’re calling it the definitive guide to enlightening information and we welcome you into its musky embrace.
