This story is over 5 years old.


Shuffle and Splooge - Playlist #10

But babe, I planned our wedding.

In this installment of Shuffle and Splooge, Sophie Saint Thomas gets it rough, and causes her cat to be concerned. 

"Okay Cupid" by Kitty Pryde

In high school the first guy I slept with would tell me I was a "good bitch" while he fucked me from behind. And the more you taunt me, the more I think I'm wanting you. There was never any eye contact. Shorty you're a ten and I'll wait for your drunk dials at 3:30AM, I love them. You invite me to a party so I go. I just snorted a pill, I'm feeling good. You take my hand and lead me to an upstairs bathroom. You're a hell of a boy and your cigarette breath, well I thoroughly enjoy it. You shove me down and fuck my face against the door. Do you think about me? You come on my face and walk out of the bathroom. So call me sober when you're ready not going steady but babe I planned our wedding already.


"Intro" by M83

We didn't need a story. We didn't need a real world. So we took LSD. Is that your pussy? No, I laugh, that's just my hand. I love this drug. The first time I took it I saw my true beauty and decided I would never dye my hair blonde ever again. I can't move my mouth, I tell him, I don't know how. Yes you do, he says, carry on. He is inside me and we move with the music. I'm wearing a winter hat even though it's June because I'm in Narnia, where banners of gold shine in the snow. I can't tell if we are having sex or simply lying on top of one another. We don't matter yet are the most important thing in the world. His skin is pixelated, his eyes watercolor. Hand on my breast, I'll keep you warm.

"Cheaters"by Teengirl Fantasy

I've been wet all night. I can't take my eyes of his bulge. I know what's inside, a penis so perfect it looks like it was purchased at Babeland. "Don't you think you're so great?" my pussy taunts my mind, knowing that with the help of its good friend red wine it will be the night's winner. Cheaters never win, they cry in the shower washing come out of their hair while their cat looks on, concerned.

Previously: Shuffle and Splooge - Playlist #9 
