
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, March 2021

Welcome to Pisces season, dear Virgo!
Pisces and Aries
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in your opposite sign Pisces is lighting up the relationship sector of your chart, making this a phenomenal time for you to connect with people, create compromises, and truly understand your partner’s point of view. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is also in Pisces, bringing blessings to the relationship sector of your chart, and on March 3 it connects with Uranus in fellow earth sign Taurus, bringing unexpected opportunities your way. Some surprising news may be shared. You’re craving novelty and the mood is experimental: Uranus’s electric atmosphere blends with sweet Venus’s seductive energy in an intriguing way! 


Your ruling planet Mercury meets lucky Jupiter in Aquarius on March 4, helping communication along at work: Big, inspiring brainstorms take place, and great opportunities open up—a great gig may come your way! But do watch out for exaggerations, as Jupiter can over-do things. Also on March 4, action planet Mars enters Gemini, revving up the sector of your chart that rules your career. Things at work are moving along quickly, and you have plenty of energy to tackle whatever goals you have in mind. You’re likely winning some rewards or recognition with Mars in quick-thinking Gemini on your side! 

If you’re hoping to fall madly in love, looking for a second chance, or feel like a creative transformation needs to take place in your life, mid-March is fertile with possibility! The sun meets Neptune in Pisces on March 10, activating the relationship sector of your chart, bringing a creative and romantic energy to your partnerships. Neptune is the planet of redemption, making this a beautiful moment for forgiveness, and a fresh start in your relationships arrives on March 13 with the new moon in Pisces. This is likely to be an especially romantic new moon as Venus meets Neptune on this day, too! Neptune is the planet of fantasy, and when it meets seductive Venus, the energy is very sweep-you-off-your-feet!

Mercury enters Pisces on March 15, helping communication along in your relationships. While detail-oriented Mercury can get a little lost in Pisces’s fantasy world, Mercury in your opposite sign bodes well for conversations where your partners open up to you! Just be patient if communication isn’t as clearcut as you’d like; Mercury in Pisces is a poetic speaker. The sun and Venus connect with Pluto in Capricorn on March 16 and March 18 respectively, creating a powerful energy for deep bonding and intimacy in your relationships. Your sex life is especially passionate at this time, or some incredible inspiration may affect your artistic pursuits.


Aries season begins on March 20, finding the sun illuminating an intense sector of your chart. Pisces season found you exploring your relationships, but now that exploration goes even further as you and your partners discover how deep you can go with intimacy: What are your partners truly willing to share with you? How much time, energy, and even money are they willing to invest in this union? Money, particularly debts, taxes, and inheritances, are on your mind during Aries season. 

On March 21 your ruling planet Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing unexpected news your way, and Venus enters Aries, smoothing over tricky financial situations and finding people eager to invest in you. Also on this day, Mars connects with Saturn in Aquarius, creating a fantastically productive energy at work.

Watch out for arguments as Mercury squares off with warrior Mars on March 23. The sun meets Venus on March 26, bringing an important understanding of what’s truly important to you, and you’re releasing things you no longer need with the full moon in Libra on March 28. This full moon is likely to bring a climax to a situation that’s been building in your finances. You may decide to sell something or find that you want to simplify your life in some way—your minimalist tendencies are out in full force! 

Watch out for confusion as Mercury meets hazy Neptune on March 29—but if you’re able to slow down, and if your heart’s open to it, this could be an incredible time for spiritual bonding with your partners, to connect on an intuitive level. Venus and the sun connect with Saturn on March 30 and March 31 respectively, helping you get organized: Venus is all about harmony, and Saturn is the planet of structure, and while this isn’t the coziest planetary combination, the energy is fantastic for discussing plans and commitments.

Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in April!