Minnesota's Jiggly Boy Makes Triumphant Return for Kevin Garnett


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Minnesota's Jiggly Boy Makes Triumphant Return for Kevin Garnett

Jiggly Boy returns to dance at Minnesota Timberwolves game to celebrate Kevin Garnett's return. We are all thankful.

Sometimes sports make you want to rip off your clothes and dance around like a maniac. Sometimes people do this in public in front of a stadium full of slightly-less deranged fans. Almost always, though, age beats the life out of you and you no longer feel like dancing shirtless at a basketball game. Until Kevin Garnett returns, ushering back the Age of Jiggly Boy.

This is from Wednesday night's Timberwolves game, Garnett's first game back in Minnesota, and although he needed coaxing, Minnesota super fan Jiggly Boy eventually removed his shirt and got down just like the salad days of 2003. Garnett noticed Jiggly Boy—how could he not?—and loved every minute of it. I'm almost certain he said something like "that motherfucker's nuts" at the end of that GIF. When asked about the return after the game, Garnett said "If you saw a fat guy with everything out dancing with your name on his chest, you would pay attention for at least five seconds." At least.

h/t @MrButterChicken
