This story is over 5 years old.


Gregg Popovich Gets a Christmas Present from Sideline Reporter

What do you get for the guy who wants nothing to do with your questions?

In what the NBA media has essentially decided is Gregg Popovich's hilarious schtick, the Spurs coach is notoriously an asshole during any kind of interview. Sometimes his heart grows three sizes—for instance, when a colleague and universally beloved sideline reporter comes back from freaking cancer—but generally he is an ornery sonuvabitch to anyone holding a microphone or recording device. During last night's game against the Rockets, ESPN's Cassidy Hubbarth gave Pop a little gift: a quick interview.

Hubbarth was making her debut on the sidelines and was rewarded with the 20-pound sack of coal of interviews. Hubbarth asked one question, which Popovich actually answered, and then revealed a surprise gift: no further questions. Pop was his typically effusive self, calling the gift "lovely." Behold, the face of a man who just got exactly what he wanted for Christmas:

It was a nice gesture and a funny way to debut but, frankly, I think we all would have preferred Hubbarth asked Pop what he planned on doing with Christmas once he stole it.

h/t Awful Announcing