This story is over 5 years old.


Black Lips/Cerebral Ballzy Tour Diary 004: HIDE THE KITCHEN KNIVES

The Black Lips/Cerebral Ballzy tour keeps on rolling, and Tod Seelie continues to snap pictures of the insanity.

Next up was The Casbah in San Diego and Velvet Jones in Santa Barbara.

Stony the tour mouse held down the mercy table.

We hung out with Kickball Katy, who has one of my favoite tattooed sentiments I have ever seen.

Low Volts singlehandedly kept the changeovers between sets from getting stale.

The Black Lips are selling some autographed drums, which make a good spot to rest when I get tired working the merch table.


Abe gets kicked out of The Casbah, multiple times. We all head to an after party in San Diego for Jason's birthday. We get so rowdy that the hostess hides the kitchen knives (granted, with reason).

Honor and I show off our feather hand tattoos, which is becoming a very popular club to join, I've been noticing.

As soon as the Black Lips guys head back to their hotel, the hostess pulls a Jeckyl/Hyde on us and threatens to call the cops if we don't go find somewhere else to sleep… at 4am. Luckily her roommate we had just met talks her down. Greg decides he's ready for bed, in the middle of the room.

A better view of Stony's tour penthouse.

Mel kicking around outside the Vans headquarters.

Honor skating the mini ramp inside the Vans warehouse.

A line dancing class next door to the venue in Santa Barbara.

Hanging out backstage at Velvet Jones.

"Porn mags and Cro-mags forever!"

A house party after the show in Santa Barbara.

Best piss bush ever.

Always remember: when using your hooded sweatshirt as a pillow, zipper side down. #tourtips

