This story is over 5 years old.


Watch Shellshag's Bizarro New Video for "Driving Song"

Manically tap-dancing at the intersection between Tim & Eric, Pee Wee's Playhouse, and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Life doesn't always make sense, and because life imitates art imitates life or something, this new Shellshag video for "Driving Song" doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. But you know what? It's okay, because that's life.

Manically tap-dancing at the intersection between Tim & Eric, Pee Wee's Playhouse, and Thomas the Tank Engine, this Corey Tatarczuk and David Hale-directed clip finds Shell and Shag coming into some lucrative cash and narrowly avoiding being snared by the po-po. Watch the video, grab Shellshag Forever via Don Giovanni Records, and for more endearingly deranged shenanigans, watch the infomercial for their new action figures (yes, action figures) below.