This story is over 5 years old.


Premiere - Listen to Spray Paint’s Exclusive Australian Tour Record

It’s a good thing that the Austin band dig baseball and Australia, as they are touring here in June.

We are super excited that Austin's Spray Paint are finally making it to Australia. So excited that we are helping present the tour along with their Australian label Homeless.

To get you in the mood for the band’s discordant post punk we are premiering “Country Singer” their side of a special tour split 7” with another of our favourites Exek.

It seems that the band enjoys baseball almost as much as they enjoy playing loud rock and roll. This upcoming tour will include dates in Japan and some regional Australian cities (details below). You know it’s a good tour when it includes Tokyo and Ballarat!


Homeless will also be releasing their upcoming album Punters on a Barge on June 1.

We had a chat to the band’s Cory Plump about the new album and baseball.

Noisey: Did you get to baseball spring training when you were down in Florida for Total Punk festival?
Cory Plump: We did yes. We popped over to a game the next day. We saw The Pirates versus the Phillies. It was a bloodbath. They smashed those Philadummies 18-1. Spring training is the fucking shit. My father was a newspaper sports writer and he took me to Florida when I was a little kid. It's great. It's very accessible, cheap, fun, so pretty much the opposite of a "real" MLB game.

You should get to a game when you are in Japan! Go Swallows!
Dude yes we want to. I'll check the schedule. I've been obsessed with Japanese baseball hats for the last 10 years so yeah I need to go to one.

Your new album is called 'Punters on a Barge'. In the US is ‘punter’ used to describe someone who goes to a gig like it is in Australia?
No it isn’t. A punter is a dude who plays American football. He just kicks the ball generally on fourth down. There are some layers that are probably only funny to Spray Paint in that title, and we also thought it sounded Australian. Ha!

You seemed to have struck a chord/affinity with Aussie bands like Cuntz and Deaf Wish and your new album is coming out on an Australian label Homeless.
Cuntz indeed are solid fuckin' mates aren't they? We partied with them a couple years ago at Goner Fest, and in Austin. Richie (from Homeless) is the whole reason we are coming to Australia. He wouldn't leave us alone so now we are going to come over there and make him hate us. He's great. We played with Deaf Wish in Chicago not long ago. Turns out they like to drink beer and party too. Australia just seems impossible for me to grasp. I don't understand why everyone lives exclusively coastal. If we had more time I'd love to go to the center bits of the continent.

Homeless and Noisey present Spray Paint Australian tour 2015:

June 12 – Brisbane at Wooly Mammoth Tickets
June 17 – Warrnambool at the Loft
June 18 – Adelaide at the Metro
June 19 – Ballarat at the Eastern
June 20 – Hobart at the Brisbane
June 25 – Newcastle at the Croation Club
June 26 – Sydney at the Factory Floor Tickets
June 27 – Melbourne at the John Curtin Tickets
June 28 - Geelong at the Barwon Club

The deluxe silkscreen edition (limited to 150 copies) of ‘Punters on a Barge’ is available for preorder now.