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We Asked a Psychic to Predict What's Coming at Roskilde 2016

According to Oracle Shariananda, we'll be seeing Annie Lennox and Elton. And maybe some terrorism.

Earlier today, Roskilde Festival announced the first ten names gracing the lineup for next year's festival. Unsurprisingly, the Internet's already going buck: with bigwig darlings like Mac Demarco and Action Bronson on the list, the fire's been lit and people are presumably already beginning their Roskilde countdowns. However, the good people behind Roskilde do this uber-annoying thing: they like to whet our appetites by feeding us the names of the line-up little by little. For months, we're forced to wait until we can finally figure out what we'll be seeing and what the hell we're giving up a week of sobriety and self-respect for. We decided we're sick of that charade. We wanted to know what's coming at Roskilde 2016 right here, right now, so we did the most logical thing we could think of: we called up a psychic and asked her.


Oracle Shariananda is a Copenhagen-based psychic who gives predictions and clairvoyant readings, makes love matches, does hands-on healing and teaches workshops. We found her through Google, but she's pretty heavy-duty: she's got an active YouTube Channel going, a Facebook page and a bunch of events coming up. Oracle Shariananda was nice enough to lend her our services this afternoon to enlighten us about Roskilde 2016.

Oracle Shariananda

NOISEY: Hi, Oracle Shariananda. Thanks for chatting with us. Can you tell us your predictions for Roskilde Festival 2016?
Oracle Shariananda: Let me get in the state to do some predictions. Give me a moment to centre myself and then you can ask away.

Who are some of the big musicians we can look forward to seeing play Roskilde next year?
Well, I know very few Danish stars and I’m from America so that’s where my spiritual strengths lie. I did meet and interview Annie Lennox, and I’m getting the feeling we'll see her there. After all, she's always welcoming, has a good energy that everyone loves, has the soul that is necessary and is great across a range of music.

People often hope for somebody like David Bowie to play.
They should really hope for Elton John instead. That’s more likely: I feel he’d be more open to it and he’d approach it for the youth. He loves children and he loves serving good causes. I believe that we’d fare well to invite Elton John: he would come. Really, though, I'm thinking Cat Power.


Cat Power, huh? Do you feel she’ll play next year?
Yeah, you know why? She played here last year and she sold out here show. She’s here again this year and so I figure that next year she’ll take centre stage at Roskilde. My bet is on Cat Power.

What are your predictions for the type of music we’ll be seeing there? Are you feeling like it might be more punk or more hip-hop oriented, for example?
Let me feel this out a minute. (long pause) I’ve been watching MTV a lot lately and I've been wondering why, so this has been on my mind a little bit. Sex sells so whoever is the sexiest group, male or female, will stir people. People are just wired right now with the idea that they can be sexually free. So much liberation has gone on so I feel we'll see bands who are really hot and can appeal to the teenyboppers, the 13-25 year olds.

What about the actual festival—do you think next year's will be one of the best we've seen in a few years?
It’s literally going to be the equivalent of Burning Man.

Oracle Shariananda's homepage

As far as the kinds of people going, what will the crowd look like?
The thing is you’ve got a huge generation of people like myself: I’m almost 70 and I’m still doing rock ’n roll. There are a bunch of us in our 60s who still have a beating heart for rock ’n roll, but there’s also a segment of those people who are jazz enthusiasts. So somewhere in that field between jazz and blues and rock, you’ve got a fusion. You’ve got the ideal profile of young people who are going to show up, but then we'll jump to people who are in their 50s and 60s.
I predict it’ll be more and more mixed because the world is coming together. The way I look at it is everything works together for good. I mean, the Pope just finished touring the US and going to Cuba—the world is starting to congeal now. We have all these people who are being brought together by their hearts and their will to feel something for peace, connection and caring. So you will get more fusion between groups of people; our ages really won’t matter.

What will be some of the most surprising things coming our way at the festival?
Let me look inside and see. (long pause) Well, you’re gonna have other people trying to make a name for themselves or trying to draw attention to themselves. There is an indication that there may be some kind of terrorist appearance. It may not be painful and it may not even kill people, but it will be something threatening. Plus, you have people who’ll try to show off—skydiving in or something, or flash mobs. Stuff like that.

Wait—are you saying there'll be a terrorist attack at Roskilde next year?
What I don’t want to do is scare anybody or particularly accentuate it. I’ll be glad if I’m wrong. Sometimes, people take the opportunity to try to upset a good time—there is always a force of evil trying to counter the force of good. When you bring people together, there’s a force always trying to drive us apart. I think there may be some people there who will instigate trouble. I do think there will be some security concerns. We should take that into consideration because people’s guards will be down: folks will be drinking and others can prey on that vulnerability.
You want to be alert to it. I don’t like to make those kinds of predictions, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Ultimately, how do you think people should feel looking towards next year’s festival?
First of all, 2016 is a transitional year in human evolution. We are starting to round things out—we are moving towards a kind of unexpected area of human caring and concern for each other. That’s a sentiment that's getting bigger and bigger. So, the festival would do well to incorporate more charities, like UNICEF or something. Young people there will want to get involved. The overall feeling at the festival will be one of great anticipation, as long as it's not watered down by too much drunkenness or drug use.

Thanks a lot, Oracle Shariananda.