This story is over 5 years old.


The Neighbourhood - "Female Robbery"

Check out the new video, featuring heaping doses of film noir atmospherics and New Wave gravitas.

Like last year’s buzz queen, Lana Del Rey, California's The Neighbourhood has been causing burgeoning waves of early excitement from DIY beginnings, as well as weaving their love of classic cinema through their visuals. Following the initial video for “Female Robbery” (from debut EP I’m Sorry), which re-appropriated footage from a black and white movie, they’ve now upped their game and dropped an original work.


Maybe The Neighbourhood figured fuzzy VHS effects are totally over already, or perhaps they realized it doesn’t seem to hurt to lend a tragic edge, a little gravitas, to your pop music these days. Either way, this video by Zack Sekuler and Daniel Iglesias Jr. uses film noir atmospherics and New Wave references, like the Godard-inspired font, to spin a woeful tale of domestic violence through the eyes of a cute little girl. Aw.
