This story is over 5 years old.


Lint LeBron James Is Back, Foreshadowing Doom for the Warriors

Lint LeBron James was made after the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in last year's NBA Finals to the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Foto vía usuario de Twitter, J.A. Adande (@jadande)

It's tempting to declare that, after seeing J.A. Adande's tweet about Lint LeBron James, that the sculpture is back in our lives. But really, it never left; it's been with us since Cleveland artist Sandy Buffie made LintBron (if you will, and I shall) last summer after the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals. If you stopped thinking about LintBron, if for some reason LintBron left your mind, well, that's on you, and says nothing of LintBron himself.


It is the same old LintBron—with lint tattoos and everything—we know from happier times in Cleveland. Perhaps LintBron is Cleveland's lint talisman and his resurfacing will spark a fire in the city of burning rivers that will fuel another dramatic comeback. Or maybe it's just a giant 30 pound ball of highly flammable lint a nice lady made in her free time.

Ask yourself: which explanation makes more sense?

Cavs in six.