Photographic Memory with Chloe Wise


This story is over 5 years old.


Photographic Memory with Chloe Wise

For the second installment of Photographic Memory, we tapped up-and-coming multi-disciplinary artist Chloe Wise.

​For the second installment of Photographic Memory, we tapped up-and-coming multi-disciplinary artist Chloe Wise. Hailing from the frozen semi-French city of Montreal, Chloe has been tearing New York City to shreds since moving here around a year ago. Whether it's through her selfie-oriented paintings or pun-based "designer" bread sculpture, she certainly has everyone's attention and affection– including ours. We had to see what her weekend was all about.


"Started my Friday night by finishing my Friday afternoon, serving fall looks as usual"

"Before I left though, I had to take another #Studio #Selfie"

"My night really started by checking out the Urs Fischer show at Gavin Brown. Those are some big goddamn paintings, am I right?"

"Me, Carly, Kay and Jane, were feeling really healthy and energized at about 6 pm at the Muddguts closing exhibition Thanks For Nothing, in which we all had work, while literally 12 strange drunk men flailed around violently yet rhythmically to Rich Homie Quan/Young Thug hit- 'Lifestyle' repeatedly for over an hour.

 "Saturday, I mostly hung out in my studio, where I relentlessly cast and oil paint dozens of fake bread items, bacon, and matzo in order to complete my sacrilegious sculptural works– while blasting Blink 182 at extremely high volumes, painting countless self portraits, and chugging green juice."

"Like I said; It's a bakery in this bish!"

"And then, another night of clubbing in a German BDSM dungeon! JK this was taken in my apartment. My roommate Ashley seemingly installed a "bug light" which, IMO, is just her trying to justify effectively making our kitchen into a tanning salon."

"I also ate dinner."