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Vice Blog


Juliana Mundim's life is way more pleasant than mine, and probably than yours too. She is a filmmaker and has the awful habit of traveling around the world making videos, taking pictures, and meeting people. She’s also the editor of the web zine FAQ...

Juliana Mundim's life is way more pleasant than mine, and probably than yours too. She is a filmmaker and has the awful habit of traveling around the world making videos, taking pictures, and meeting people. She's also the editor of the web zine

. During our interview I got so jealous about her life being so great that I came up with the most cliché questions I could think of--guess you could call them FAQs--to see if I could get her bored. I failed.


Vice: When did you start FAQ? Juliana Mundim:

I started in 2000 with a zine format. It was handmade by myself, alone, and photocopied. The idea was to print a few copies and leave them in public places. Something like 30 copies and then leave a couple of them in each corner of the city so someone could find it by chance. I was living in New York at that time. Then I did it again in 2001, when I spent a year traveling around the world. After that, I took up again in 2004 and invited friends to do the first virtual version.

Do you edit it by yourself?


How the hell do you know all these the photographers who contributed for the magazine?

I don't, really. Some of them I've known for a long time, or from trips; others are virtual friends or artists I've found doing researches.

For how long have you been taking pictures?

Since I was a kid.

How did you start?

I'm graduated in filmmaking and I usually work more with video and art in general. My work with photography comes as a complement of this work. Many times I use photos in animations or as way to help telling a story, as in my work at

. I am interested in pictures as a narrative – that was the case in last issue of


, where the pics join to support the title of each chapter of the magazine.

What was the coolest thing you did as a photographer?


Hiding from Goodbye

video. For me, it's really close to photography and it was really thrilling to capture. I was in a train in Hong Kong on my way to the airport, and I saw a mother and a daughter saying goodbye to someone, probably a son and brother, with the enthusiasm of a welcome party. It was heartbreaking because it was obvious she was trying to convince herself that his departure was better than it really was.

Please tell about the cover image, with the dinosaur. Where it was taken? Ting, a female photographer from Taiwan, found this post card dated from 1984, probably from a national park, in a thrift store. The name of the author is not in the image. We've put an announcement asking for the photographer to identify himself because the picture is beautiful and nostalgic.