This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


We're not sure what prompted the Raveonettes to take up the dusty, long-maligned mantle of trip-hop on their new single, but man are we into this. Between these guys' new sound, that Twin Peaks box set we got for Christmas, and our rediscovered love of Docs (you heard us), we are hereby declaring the official arrival of the early-90s revival, in all its red-dyed, mainstream-folks-trying-to-be-"dark" glory. We told you it was coming. And the fact that the song finishes up by descending out of Portishead territory into a minute-long blast of MBV-style squalling guitar fuzz is the kind of thing that makes you want to ditch whatever indie cred you had left and get fully behind a band "discovered" by Rolling Stone. Know what we're saying?

Get it here:

The Raveonettes - Aly, Walk With Me MP3