This story is over 5 years old.


Comedian Throws Stack of Cash at Sepp Blatter During Press Conference

Sepp Blatter's press conference was interrupted by a comedian throwing a stack of cash at him. Then things got really funny.

Here's a weird one: turns out, Sepp Blatter is afraid of money. Comedian Simon Brodkin/Lee Nelson interrupted FIFA's Executive Committee press conference before it even started and threw a stack of cash at Sepp Blatter, saying it was for a North Korea 2026 World Cup. This guy has a habit of pulling off pretty outrageous stunts, including dressing up as a Man City player and very nearly getting on England's World Cup plane to Brazil.


But Sepp Blatter has some comedy chops himself. Speaking to the assembled crowd after the interruption, Blatter said:

"Ladies and Gentleman we have to clean here first [referring to the money], otherwise I would not be able to speak to you, ladies and gentleman. When we speak about football, this [the money] has nothing to do with football."