Norm Macdonald Tells Letterman About Bob Uecker's Filthy Mouth


This story is over 5 years old.


Norm Macdonald Tells Letterman About Bob Uecker's Filthy Mouth

Gather 'round kids and listen to a story about Bob Uecker cursing like a sailor every other sentence, courtesy of Norm Macdonald.

Norm Macdonald was on "The Late Show with David Letterman" last night and regaled Dave with some stories about Bob Uecker cursing up a storm every time he speaks. The bit begins at around the 1:25 mark (though his bit on the Las Vegas slogan is pretty funny, too) and has Uecker talking about his time on "Mr. Belvedere." Bob Uecker cursing is very funny but for my money, Norm Macdonald saying "Belvedere" in Uecker's voice is even funnier.

h/t Will Leitch