Red Pandas Play in the Snow, are Sports


This story is over 5 years old.


Red Pandas Play in the Snow, are Sports

You can argue with us if you like, but we will never be convinced that cute animals playing is not sports. It is sports. Enjoy life.

It is no secret that we here at VICE Sports deem all things cute and cuddly sports; not because we love animals and love sports, thus consider them equal, but because the innocence and joy these creatures display in their environments, particularly red pandas in snow, is a reminder of our innate need to play.

Now, I am no David Roth, and surely have so much more to learn from the Cute Animals Are Sports Expert that he is, but in researching his collection of in-depth analysis on the topic, I know sports when I see them. These two red pandas (Roth has exclusive rights to black and white pandas) frolicking in the snow of Cincinnati are most definitely sports. Just admire that vertical, speed, and agility displayed without conscious effort and that throughout the majority of this clip the little guy is basically doing consecutive burpees while fighting off branches. Not only is that pure freak athleticism, but this red panda is having fun doing it and that is what sports are supposed to be all about.

Cute animals doing silly things will never stop being sports and as responsible and dedicated sports journalists, VICE Sports will never stop sharing their stories with the world.