Cris Carter Says Smart Things About Child Abuse


This story is over 5 years old.


Cris Carter Says Smart Things About Child Abuse

Cris Carter gets angry and smart about domestic abuse.

ESPN's NFL hit parade continued on NFL Countdown this morning and the panel devoted time to discussing Adrian Peterson's child abuse indictment as well as the commissioner's bungling of the Ray Rice case. Eventually the conch was passed to Cris Carter and he sounded off on child abuse. While many have been relating their own tales of having been beaten by their parents as a form of discipline, Carter said something smart: that was then, this is now. We're smarter than that now.

Talking about his mother, Carter said she did the best she could raising him at the time, but it's the 21st century, we know this is wrong now. He then went on to speak (angrily) of men as a whole, and why taking Peterson (and Rice, by implication) off the field was the right move: "Take 'em off the dang old field, because you know what? As a man, that's the only thing we really respect. We don't respect no women, we don't respect no kids, the only thing Roger and them do, take them off the field, because they respect that."

Later in the program, Carter talked about Ray Rice and domestic abuse and called on Roger Goodell to use the heft of the NFL to make this better. In describing how the NFL has the power ("NFL Magic") to change the lives of many associated with it, Carter said "I put a mandate on Roger Goodell right now, put that NFL Magic to domestic violence"