This story is over 5 years old.


Montreal's Love Mansuy Makes Real Jazz and, Uh, Love with "Sun Valley"

Nothing like losing your way and finding what you were looking for all along.

Love Mansuy is a rising singer from Montreal (he's currently based in LA) who's showed up recently on Toronto rapper VNCHY's genre-bending Eminent mixtape His new song "Sun Valley" reveals Mansuy to be a gifted songwriter with an ear for complex, jazzy harmony and unexpected grooves. "I think I missed the exit sign," sings Mansun before settling into a Frank Ocean-ish mantric repetition of the title.


"What I can say is, during my drive to Tarzana, I learned the biggest lesson of my life so far," says Mansuy," "On this drive, I began to daydream about what my life will be like when it's all said and done, causing me to miss my exit and end up in Sun Valley. I missed the most important meeting of my life thus far. I've only been in California for a few months now. I wasn't too sure where I was. I couldn't even imagine how I would get back to Tarzana because I forgot my cell phone. Just like when I missed my chance with… well her name isn't that important anymore." Listen to "Sun Valley" below.

Phil is a Noisey staff writer. He's on Twitter.