This Summery Seafood Pasta Dish Isn't Trying to Go Viral


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This Summery Seafood Pasta Dish Isn't Trying to Go Viral

Xemei's seafood spaghetti isn't competing with your deconstructed, inside-out, rainbow Instagram fodder. But it's damn delicious.

"Where are you moving if Trump gets elected?" is the icebreaker of the moment. The easiest answer? Italy, of course. So what if their economy is in the shitter—they dress better, drink better, and cook better than the rest of us, by most standards.

The Italian ethos in the kitchen can be summarized in one word: simplicity. Here in the States, we're all enamored with complication. The more intricate and overworked a dish is, the more likely we are to empty our wallets for it and plaster it on our Instagram feeds. Deconstructed, inside-out, on fire; you name it, we've 'grammed it.

There's nothing showy about this coastal Italian pasta dish. No tomfoolery, no food hybriding, no rainbows. It comes from the guys at Venice-come-Barcelona restaurant Xemei, and it's about as straightforward as it gets. The hardest part—making pasta from scratch—is completely optional (in true Ina Garten fashion, "store-bought is fine"). The rest is stupid simple: oil, garlic, herbs, tomatoes, mussels, and clams.

RECIPE: Spaghetti with Clams, Mussels, and Cherry Tomatoes

It's not clickbait, but it's damn delicious.