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Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady Walks Out of Press Conference When Asked About Donald Trump

Tom Brady refused to answer a question about Donald Trump's "locker room talk."
Tom Brady, the NFL's Snagglepuss.

Tom Brady on Donald Trump's "locker room talk." #Patriots
— Boston Herald (@bostonherald) October 12, 2016

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is a known supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. On Wednesday, Brady was asked how he'd feel if his own children "heard Donald Trump's version of locker room talk." Instead of saying something like, oh I don't know, "I think it's reprehensible and I'm embarrassed to call myself an American, let alone a Patriot as long as Mr. Trump is a leading candidate for the top political office in this country," Touchdown Tom said, "Thank you, guys. Have a nice day."

This will probably barely make waves, even though Donald Trump is on record as not only an admitted sexual predator who dismissed his boasting of sexual assault as the stuff of alpha males, because Tom Brady is Tom Brady and not, say, Cam Newton. Brady has earned a lot of good will and can get away with unprofessionally walking out of a press conference in the face of a question he didn't like about a topic of national importance, meanwhile Newton was destroyed for his grumpy demeanor after the Super Bowl.

h/t Mediaite