This story is over 5 years old.


Google Releases The Ten Most Searched Artists of 2015

Adele FTW and no EDM?

Earlier today, Google Trends released "A Year in Search 2015‬‬," a comprehensive report from one of the internet's biggest corporations of what the US searched for in 2015. They've organized the data according to specific topics, such as "Water on Mars" or "Black Lives Matter," offering comprehensive lists and graphs in each category, and also created a profile of the top charts of 2015.

Along with tables of the top searches and people, they've made one for "Trending Music Artists," which you can find below. It's maybe a little surprising—we thought we'd see Drake on there? who is Christ Stapleton?—not the least because it doesn't include any EDM artists. "The rise of EDM" feels like an outdated narrative by now, as it seems like more or less a fact that it has already successfully infiltrated the mainstream, but if these numbers are right, clearly it's not as popular as it's sometimes made out to be.

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