This story is over 5 years old.


Cables from Kabul

While walking around Kabul, we couldn't help but notice that quite a few people were missing limbs. As it turns out, the main culprits are mines. Over the past three decades, the Soviets, the Mujahideen and the Taliban have been laying millions of...

While walking around Kabul, we couldn’t help but notice that quite a few people were missing limbs. As it turns out, the main culprits are mines. Over the past three decades, the Soviets, the Mujahideen and the Taliban have been laying millions of mines across the whole country, making an impromptu picnic a massive no-no. We visited a Mine Awareness camp, which was sort of like a holiday camp except for the lessons are about safeguarding the appearance of your limbs. Then we checked out a minefield to see one of the dastardly fucks for ourselves.

As our three weeks were coming to a close, we headed up north to the Panshir Valley, which at the time was the only place in all of Afghanistan that had no Taliban presence. Panshir was where the Mujahideen deafeated the Soviets, and it's now home to numerous rusty tanks and one of the best hospitals in the country. We took in the fresh air, rode around in battered jeeps and learned about “stab Fridays.”