This story is over 5 years old.


Which Musician Should Be Pope?

Benedict's bowing out and it's totally to make way for a Pope Waka, or maybe a Pope Morrissey?

Well guys, here we are. The end of an era. A paradigm shift. Pope Benedict XVI has resigned from his position as head of the Catholic Church and is passing the scary, antiquated baton onto another old white man to tell hordes of dying Africans that their sexual emancipation is against the word of God. Yay!

Because it’s our job – no, our RIGHT – to trivialise the sort of decisions that affect millions of lives all across the planet, we wanted to take a look at who in the music world would make a fitting church monarch. Who would best fit the gilded cassock of the Vatican’s highest order, and who would be best at pretending that legions of fiddly priests are actually misunderstood middle aged virgins who just need a change of scenery, you know?

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