This story is over 5 years old.



In my last job I was hooked up to the office stereo, and so all of my colleagues would know if I decided to find out about the hot new

extreme sports must-have

first thing in the morning. I quit eventually and didn't delete my downloads folder, so all of the pictures of Megan Fox I used to save, not really knowing why (maybe because she's like a sexy man with tits), are all there. Anyway, now I have less jobs I'm able to find lots of zeitgeisty memes for you to watch. Here are some of them.


1. Musical Royalty. The suicidal Muslims edition.

This dude is a member of the Saudi royal family. He seems to think that dousing yourself in gas and lighting yourself on fire is a common method of suicide for a fat nightclub owner. The video is supposed to make you find Allah, but all the way through I can't help feeling that there's something a little bit sinful about ol' Faisal moping around in the pouring rain at night wearing sunglasses and saying "shawty".

2. Hilarious grime videos. The watch-it-till-the-end edition.

Please let this be real. Please let this be real. Please let this be real.

3. Serious issues. The I-don't-know-whether-to-laugh-or-cry edition.


Amy Green

went on holiday to a Caribbean island she kept hearing this totally fucked up song wherever she went. I feel bad laughing at this thing, but then on the credits there's an executive producer called Flava, which leads me to believe no one was taking things too seriously.

4. Romantic gestures. The stupid fucking creep edition.

I really, really, really want to know why Loren left him. He seems like such a great guy, y'know? It might be worth skipping about five minutes into this one.

5. Sad children. The self-righteous ginger edition.

I've been sent this by about a million people, and the majority is always right. Right?

6. Pranked Nigerian. The fresh preacher of Benin City edition.

If God is speaking through this man, then the Almighty One is obviously not a fan of 80s black comedies starring Will Smith--which saddens me. He also doesn't seem to be familiar with

Star Wars

--which doesn't sadden me in the slightest.