This story is over 5 years old.


Someone May Have Insulted Mr. Met's Mom

Whether it was Mr. Met's mom, the mascot, or the man playing Mr. Met's mom is, as yet, unclear.
Mr. Met, displaying his now-infamous fingers. © Anthony Gruppuso-USA TODAY Sports

The Mr. Met middle finger fiasco beats on, with further reporting shedding some light onto how we could have possibly gotten to this point, the point in question being a mascot flipping the metaphorical middle finger at a fan. (Mr. Met only has four fingers.)

According to an anonymous source who spoke to the New York Post, fans had been giving Mr. Met the business all night. The source said the crowd was showering him with F-bombs and even "saying derogatory things about Mr. Met's mom….which led to the gesture because of a personal matter with his mom."


The fan, who claims to know the person who was acting as Mr. Met Wednesday night, said, "It triggered something that recently happened. It was his breaking point."

The man who captured the incident on video denies he had anything to do with the heckling. He said he was too focused on trying to get his camera ready to take a video of what he hoped to be a high five with Mr. Met and was not aware of any heckling "at the time." That "at the time" is an important qualification, at least as it concerns the source who claims it was an all-game matter. Could it be possible that Mr. Met recognized the face of the man who insulted his mother—mascot or otherwise—and when he asked for a picture at the end of the game he not-so-politely declined?

These are mysteries, but this is not: there is literally not one other franchise in the history of sports from which this story could originate.

There is a happy ending to Mr. Met's hand hijinks, however: the Post also reports that the person in the suit has not technically been fired; he will remain with the organization, just not in the role of Mr. Met.

As of this writing, Terry Collins has been ejected, Mets broadcaster Keith Hernandez has admitted on air to being incapable of operating a scorecard, and the Brewers lead the Mets 2-0 in the sixth inning.