Scorpio collage
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone

Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio, September 2019

Welcome to Virgo season, dear scorpion!

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September has its confusing moments, but the month begins with exciting communications and connections taking place as Mercury in Virgo connects with electric Uranus in Taurus! You’ll find yourself running into eccentric and inspiring people and coming up with brilliant ideas on September 1. That same day, Venus in Virgo connects with Saturn in Capricorn, which bodes well for planning, talking about commitments, and making your standards known. A sense of adventure is in the air, but there’s a grounded, secure atmosphere.


On September 2, the sun and Mars meet in Virgo, beginning a new cycle in your social life and inspiring you to connect with likeminded people. You’ll bond not just over hobbies, but also through shared hopes for the future that encompass politics, social justice, and the environment. Venus also clashes with Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 2, finding you stepping into a wealth of abundance—just be careful not to overindulge!

  • If you’re hosting a party, encourage your guests to break the ice with these intriguing question cards.
  • Meet up with other adventurous eaters through a food tour of some of the world’s best cuisine.

The sun, Mercury, and Mars converge on September 3, marking the beginning of powerful new connections in your social sphere! It's a fantastic time to network, but a haze descends on the month as Neptune—the planet of fog, fantasy, and delusion—begins to get tangled in oppositions to the planets in clean, clear, no-nonsense Virgo. The hazy situation begins on September 4 as Venus opposes Neptune, finding you deeply confused about what you want from your creative collaborators and in your love life. Watch out for "players" in all aspects of your life—not just in your romantic relationships. If someone is trying to sell you hard on something, be wary. You do not like to be deceived, Scorpio, and your nonsense meter is definitely going off this month! So long as you're in the clear from scammers, this could be a whimsically magical time for romance—just don't make solid commitments at this time.


  • The summer of scams never really did stop, did it? In an essay from the writer Jia Tolentino’s debut, Trick Mirror, Tolentino looks at seven different scams that defined our generation (yes, Fyre Festival is one of them).
  • Help clear any stale energy from your space with this eucalyptus room spray.
  • During this hazy time, it might be helpful to carry some clear quartz around with you.

You’re getting a better grip on communication and are making plans as Mercury connects with Saturn on September 5, but be careful not to make too-big promises, especially concerning money, on September 6, when Mercury clashes with Jupiter. The sun also connects with Saturn that day, leading you to connect and share solid information with stable, wise, and responsible people. Finally, Venus meets with Pluto in Capricorn, making September 6 a powerful day to forge deep connections and bonds. Secrets are shared, but watch out for confusion and misunderstandings as Mercury opposes Neptune on September 7. It's a slippery September, little scorpion, and a lazy and forgetful attitude is the air!

Egos abound and an interesting twist in your financial situation arrives as the sun clashes with Jupiter on September 8. Mercury also connects with Pluto on this day, which is great for diving deep into researching or getting information you need. Mercury is the messenger planet, and Pluto is one great detective, so despite the hazy Neptune fog that's keeping things from being totally clear, at least you will be able to get some intel!


On September 9, Mars connects with Saturn, bringing structure and support, but nostalgia and a sense of disappointment descends as the sun opposes Neptune the next day. You might feel a bit invisible, or perhaps bored—either way, the mood is dampened, but you won't be lacking in energy or spirit for long. Mars clashes with Jupiter on September 12, propelling you into action. September 13 brings an opportunity for social connection as Mercury meets Venus, and the conversations are deep as the sun connects with Pluto, helping you uncover the truth during this murky time.

September 14 brings the full moon in fellow water sign Pisces, making this day a powerful moment for your love life! Emotions run high and a climax is reached: A wish you dreamed up may finally be realized. But Mars also opposes Neptune during this full moon, which may create a frustratingly passive—or passive aggressive—energy, and you need to watch out for schemers and manipulators. Full moons show things in a new light, and you might discover that people are even shadier than they appear during this phase! Still, it's a powerful moment for emotional renewal as you let go of the past.

  • If a friend is consistently being shady to you, it might be time to cut them out of your life. Here’s how to do so without all the drama.
  • As emotions are heightened, it’s important to have an outlet to share how you’re feeling. A private journal could be helpful during this process.


If you're in a witchy mood, now is a great time to clear the energy in your love life. Your psychic intuition gets a major boost as Mercury and Venus also enter Libra during this full moon and activate one of the most private sectors of your chart. You're craving solitude and rest since you’re picking up on more energy around you than normal!

Saturn ends its retrograde on September 18, helping you move forward with negotiations, contracts, and paperwork. Plans have been revised over the last few months and the structure of your agreements have been reexamined. September 19 finds both of your ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, connecting, helping you come up with a great strategy to navigate this confusing month. You don't have to give up on getting what you want, Scorpio, and having the warrior planet Mars and the lord of the underworld, Pluto, helping move things along will be a great help!

September 21 marks the last of three squares between Jupiter and Neptune. This entire year has essentially been a lesson for you, as you’ve learned that wanting something to be true doesn’t make it so. But does that mean there is no room in your life for wishes and fantasies? Of course there is! Those desires just need to be balanced with reality. As Jupiter and Neptune square off, you're learning whether you really ought to be investing in what you have been excited about. A bad investment—not just financially, but with time or your energy—will leave you disappointed.

  • If you’re having trouble determining what to invest your time in and where you want your life to go, these cards could be helpful.
  • Don’t forget to set your intentions regularly and keep them close by.
  • A digital detox might be just the thing you need to set yourself back on track with your investments.

Watch out for blocks around communication on September 22 as Mercury clashes with Saturn. Silence is golden at this time, as anything you say will likely be rejected. A shift in energy arrives as Libra season begins on September 23, finding you retreating from your social life to catch up on rest and quality time alone. You’re making time to connect with your inner voice and to journal as Mercury connects with Jupiter on September 24. Murmurs of a good deal are floating around you, but Venus clashes with Saturn on September 25, so watch out for rejection on this day. Plan a cute date or an important meeting another time.

Mercury clashes with Pluto on September 26, which is another stressful day for communication (watch out for power struggles), but this could also reveal some interesting information that's previously been hidden from you. The new moon in air sign Libra arrives on September 28, which also finds sweet Venus connecting with lucky Jupiter. Something wonderful is brewing! Your sharp intuition is one of your greatest assets and it’s being put to good use at this time. Good luck this month, Scorpio, and see you in October!

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