This story is over 5 years old.


Best Of The Rest: Internet Friends, Futuristic Soviet Architecture, And Books That Feel Pain

The week in creativity.

This week…

*We wanted one of these 3D algorithm-distorted printed sculptures for our apartment. [TheFoxIsBlack]

*The future mayor of Paris wanted to turn the city's abandoned subways into pools, galleries, and from the above--outer space. [PSFK]

*In honor of the Olympics, we checked out this nutty assortment of amazing Post-Soviet architecture. [Hyperallergic]

*We gazed in wonder at this office in Madrid. [PoredPanda]


*This wearable series of art prints was beautiful. [TheArtfulDesperado]

*A chandelier was made from hundreds of formerly lost earrings. [JunkCulture]

*Berlin got a really cool looking new bar. [BerlinArtLink]

*This MIT-designed book allowed readers to feel pain. #ArtBummers. [DesignBoom]

*You could  now experience life as a goat through this video simulation. [via] *We searched for our internet best friend. [InternetBestFriend]

*The Atlantic investigated ASCII art. [The Atlantic]

*And finally, project-mappers Nonotak came to Brooklyn--and just a stone's throw from our offices. Check out the video below.
