This story is over 5 years old.


Spurs' Ryan Mason Awkwardly Injured After Scoring Beautiful Tiki-Taka Goal

Anticlimax at its finest.

It took 81 minutes for something to finally happen at the Stadium of Light in an otherwise boring match between Tottenham Hotspur and Sunderland, but boy did it happen.

With a synergic (please forgive the horrendous startup talk—that word was so great before co-opted [damn, I just said co-op, didn't I?]) series of events, the Spurs strung together a lovely number of passes that lit up the roster, as Ryan Mason made a beautifully-paced overlapping run to catch the better end of a sequence that he helped set up.

Such a glorious goal ended awkwardly as Mason fell to the pitch in weird agony while on his way to celebrate.

I bet the man wished that all of those people who dogpiled him were a team of medics instead of uneasily celebrant teammates.