This story is over 5 years old.


Are the Laker Bro and the Yankee Bro the Same Bro?

We're through the looking glass here, people.

Back in 2012, two GIFs dominated the sports bloggersphere: the Laker Bro and the Yankee Bro. In case you need a refresher:

They are both bros celebrating good things their respective bro-teams did. What nobody imagined is that they are not two different bros at all.

I have long held a theory, never published on this here internet until today. I believe that the Laker Bro and the Yankee Bro are the same bro.


That's crazy, you might say. Just because all bros look alike doesn't mean those two bros are the same bro.

Fair counterpoint, I concede. It is very difficult to distinguish between Broseph Sapiens. I have no incontrovertible proof these are the same bros, which is why it's merely a theory. But, just look at these two bros:


The Laker Bro GIF came from a game in November, well after the Yankees were bounced by Detroit in the playoffs. It is entirely possible this bro was at both games.

But Aaron, you might say, surely no self-respecting human could be a fan of both the Yankees and the Lakers!

Another fair point. But remember, we are talking about a bro here. The phrase "self-respecting bro" is an oxymoron. Furthermore, some quick internet research tells me there are, in fact, many bros who support both the Yankees and the Lakers. Look no further than the Bro of all Bros, Bryce Harper. He is a Cowboys, Yankees, Lakers, and Duke basketball fan. In fact, one might even say it is a requirement of a true bro that he support only the most historically successful and douchey franchises.

What other evidence do I have? None. I am a seeker of truth, which is why I hereby call the Laker and Yankee Bros (if they are indeed two different people) to identify themselves. The world needs to know. The internet needs the truth. There was only one bro.

Update: After this post went up, I received an email from a man purporting to be the Laker Bro, whose real name is Ryan. "Hate to burst your bubble, but I am not the Yankees bro haha sorry man."

This is the first day of the rest of my life.