This story is over 5 years old.


89-Year-Old Great-Grandmother Claims She Can Do 1,000 Keep-Ups

She can definitely do 10, but 1,000 might be a stretch.

What impressive skill does your gran possess? Can she make a really amazing sponge cake that holds firm but tastes light and fluffy? That's not bad. Can your gran knit every garment imaginable while watching an entire series of Morse and tutting at the murders? That's pretty good, albeit not great.

It is nothing, however, compared with 89-year-old great-grandmother Ase Marie Nordhagen from Norway. Ase Marie is a keepie-uppie queen who says her personal record is a staggering 1,000 (old people do tend to lie, of course).

But while we're yet to see proof she can get near 1,000, it's clear that she is pretty adept at keep-ups. So long as she has something to hold on to.

And, with Ase Marie still showing impressive skill ahead of her 90th birthday, perhaps there is still hope that Diego Costa will regain his form.